Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease

  • Description: Loss of blood supply to the cap of the femur bone in the hip joint leading to deterioration of the joint cartilage
  • Symptoms: Painful rear end lameness
  • Mode of Inheritance: Unknown, although familial tendency is suspected
  • Method of Diagnosis: Radiograph (x-ray)
  • Age of Diagnosis: Early signs may show up at 6-8 months
  • Where To Submit X-Rays: Veterinary Orthopedic Specialist
  • Treatment: Surgical removal of the diseased joint cartilage. Use of an oral analgesic (i.e., aspirin under a veterinarian's care) may relieve the pain in the early stages. Left untreated, however, secondary arthritis and painful lameness occur. Surgery to correct this disorder is expensive and may run up to $1,000 depending on the area of the country.

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